Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Christmas Christmas!!

Its Christmas time every where! I have fond memories of Christmas being celebrated in my school days , where in we had a mass, then little functions and then a sweet. We used to go to school even though it was a holiday! My sis and myself got ourselves a very tiny tree and started to keep it every year and we decorated it. My GOD.. i just love those times.. and u know what now.. there r so many tree's seen in Brussels. I started to count them and then i stopped.. I couldn.. the very convent environment makes me attracted to Christmas!
The decorations in Brussels has begun b4 a month and its too good. The ceiling of the malls are decorated with lighted trees, stars and hangings. Every place has a tree and the stuff inside the malls are also decorated with the goodies to be hung on the tree. I have never seen such decorations. The small balls, stars,swans,peacocks,reindeers,santa are all made so glittery ... tat am not able to come out of the mall!
Christmas market is dam famous here in Europe as such. They r nothing but small stalls with varied items like dolls,mufflers,watches,utensils,glass items and eateries too with drinks.
Some r dam cheap and some r very costly. We did a bit of shopping and got some stuffs in Brussels and Brugge....
Oh!! Ya .. I had been to Brugge.. the main intention to visit the Ice sculpture there. All people here had warned us to be fullly covered since it would be deadly cold ! and we were ready for the battle. The Ice sculpture in Brugge is very famous and comes every year and this year it had a theme of Ice Age 3... which i knew nothing! The carvings were simply superb .. it had dinos,lizards,birds,trees,monster,bears and wat not in all ICE! The temp was -10 and i cant tell u we enjoyed it. We were fine for around 30 min.. but after that it was horrible. My nails and toe started to prick and we were gng to be pink in colour! The best part of the attraction was that the big Dino's back was used as a sliding board for kids and big ppl! It was fun.. It was worth spending 13 euros per person except that you tackle the cold..Once we were out.. i wanted to remove my boots and just press my toes..Even though our main point was the Ice sculpture .. spent around 3 hours in the christmas market. It was fun.. the articles were too cheap and cute.. we did a bit of shopping. We walked.. and walked .. and got ourselves drained.. and the bets part was that we forgot our route rather we dint know the route back to the station. Hence we just circled Brugge by walk in 45 min and across we went on the highways and what not and then reached the station. It take jus 1 hour and 3 min from Brussels to Brugge and what a trp we had!!

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