Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Waterloo.. A Historic Rewind!

Waterloo.. Napolean...!
What does it strike when we hear Waterloo.. Napoleans defeat in the most famous battle and the end of the last 100 days he ruled France. To add more Waterloo is within Belgium and its just one hour from Brussels in the Waterloo bus. Though my husband had visited it already , I wanted to go again since I love History and the name took me back to my 10th std history where in I had learnt regarding the battle and its massiveness. So off to Waterloo..
We took a bus from Brussels-Midi which takes us to various stops in Waterloo.The bus line is called 'W'. The journey was pleasant except for my knee pain due to the most famous "Chickengunya". Hmmmpppp.. The shopping street in Waterloo looks dam sophisticated and it was sale all around. Obviously we dint know where to get down , but we know we had to get down near the Lion Monument. So after constant peeping out from the window we got down when we saw the massive Iron made Lion monument and the bus took a right towards Braine De Alleud.. which was the clue. The stop is called Champ De Battle.. the name more in sense to the historic battle field.
We had to walk for 10 min and LOL!! we saw the Lion.. This monument stands as a symbol of heroism to the Prince of Orange who also took part in the battle and died when he was very young. The monument is situated on top of a small hill kind and we can reach it via a fleet a steps. From the top we can see the entire battle field . That day it was partially covered with snow and hence it was both green and white in color. The attractions in Waterloo include 2 videos on the battle , a wax museum and a panoramic view of the battle field. The battle was Veinna decide for the downfall of Napolean and hence Waterloo happened.
Napolean's small army fought against the massive Britishers and others. They conquered few places but as the army size decreased it became difficult. The war lasted only for a day on July 18th. As Napolean neared Waterloo and neared defeat , he was asked to run away by his own people and hence he flew to St Helena. The army tried their maximum but yet vain. It is said that the army tried to form sqaure's with its own men and horses and hence made it difficult for the opposition to fight them. Later when it was nearing 8 in the night , Napolean's army was asked to surrender since their end neared. But like true warriors they did not and hence French were defeated by the allies.
Later Napolean hid in St Helena for some days and died later.
The wax museum contains few wax dolls of the leaders and some swords of the battle time. The panoramic view of the battle field explains the directions in which each army entered the battle and the way it was conquered.
The videos are the ones that are worth a watch and re-kindled history into me. The videos have been shot with the people really fighting as in battle on the green field. The other video contains expert clips from an old film on the Waterloo incident which gives us more insight into history.
And yes the place contains the usual souvenir shop which was too costly.
Hence the Waterloo trip ended for us too and we boarded the bus back to Brussels Midi after standing in the bus stop for half and hour and getting frozen and the savior being a large cone of Frites :)

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