Friday, 3 July 2009


What do you think when you hear the word dreams , I always think about DANCE!! coz. thats my dream .. to become a Classical Dancer. Not many know that.
Paul Cohello in his "Alchemist" mentioned that when u satisfy your dream you r the most happiest person! Yes I really feel bad that I have not learnt Dance.
I was very keen in learning in Dance from young , but my parents pushed me to a singing class, where I sang without any passion.. it was a bore to me !
It always happens like that ,when you are young you do as your parents say, wear the dress of their choice, put the clip they choose for you, pose for a photo as they say and most important have a hair cut of their wish.Its nice , but it becomes bad when you see those old snaps and your face goes aarghhhhhhhhh.. MY GOD! was I like that!!
And thats the reason ,I dint learn dance , I dint tell it out!
And when the time came for me to tell it out , I had no time to spend for it! GOD! I really curse GOD for that , how come I never learnt dance , how come I never satisfied my dream.
I am always mad at the dance costumes , jewelleries. I made it sure that I dress for my wedding like a dancer and atleast that small perentage of my dream came true!

It so happened that one day , i started to fight with my parents of not allowing me to learn dance and why they spoilt my dream. The session was long and I eneded crying for it and yes dint talk talk with them also!
I am passionate about Shobana's dance and this quater percentage of my dream came true when we went to hee show . I never blinked my eyes when she danced. I love the way they sway, i love the way they create magic with their eyes.

I want a baby girl , the first reason being I want her to learn dance and satisfy my dream! Lets c!
I made on all these dance shows which come in TV and i watch them without moving an inch from my place , I am so mad .
I have starting trouble while sleeping, I dont get sleep immediately when I sleep , the only thing which puts me to sleep is Dance, I think about steps and imagine myself dancing and I JUST LOVE IT and yes I sleep dam peacefully after that.


  1. Hmm, unakkulla epdi oru aasaiya... never knew...
    Hey, its not fair , u wanting a baby girl, so that u can dump her in a dance class... wat if she wants to sing instead?
    I guess, ur mom n dad must have loved singing... tats y u ended up in the singing class..
    Well, they are one of the sweetest people i've met, I just don't think u shud fight with them for it...
    And y don't u try dancing now??? its not like u can't dance now...

  2. u r rite i can try dance now.. but am not able to find time.. the 3 months i was vetti.. i cud not learn dance there..
    u r also rite.. i cant dump my kid.. but lets c!!

  3. hey yes u can learn dance now..u r not fourty rite..ur limbs still move..with a proper disciplined practice and determination..u can learn dancing classical or any other form in 1 year ...never give up..nothg is impossible...its just the way you look at things that make them seem so...u will have time aft u leave ..use dat..its not only indian classical form if you know one type u can florish in any other its your natural talent and it and use it...if at all you end up in belgium try some wester dance as ul be vetti der once your hubby goes to ofc some tin..and dont dump ur kid in dance class,,,jus coz u want..u go and dance...ok..der is still lots of time...donno y u sound so dissappointed..pls try!!!!! don leve now..better late dan neve!!!
