Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Videos that I am Glued To!

Now a days am just being glued to few videos in you tube , I don't know how I caught hold of these .. anyways they r just to kill time!

1. The First Place goes to Rahul Ka Swayamvar.. Venkat hates this , because I am glued to this more! This is humbug show. I never thought it would be a series after Rakhi finished her so called " Swayamvar" . The concept of Swayamvar is being just massacred here. YES!
You should see how the girls woo Rahul in front of everyone and don't care for anything.Oh My GOD, I can never imagine . They all look good, I accept to that fact. The way the arguments start .. Oh Oh!
I tell you its pure time pass and if you have no other work and want to laugh for sometime .. see this! But I should tell this show consumes a vast portion in our internet volume.
I don't understand why a bride-to-be needs to walk the ramp ?? Crazy eh? But their costumes and especially the Udaipur palace is what stays in mind after the show!
I have not yet finished with the series and its going on...
There is nothing to praise about this show , just see for yourself, you will laugh mostly and your BP's might shoot up at times..

Can Be found : In youtube type : "Rahul dulhania le jayenge"

2. Goes to Elle and Blair make-up video tips! Wow! I love make-up , i think mostly all woman do!
Elle and Blair are two sisters who just throw up countless videos on make up and their tips and receive countless comments!
The siblings are too good at times and their make-up accessories make me go WOWWWWWWWWW!! I would treasure to have all those but mostly I would spend time admiring the items rather than using it! So silly of me. anyways.. this is also for a time pass!!

Can be Found: In youtube type : Juicystar07 , Allthatglitters21.

3. I wont say am glued to this .. but it took me aback.. Vijay TV's Super Singer Junior.. which is going on..
When he stands on the stage you don't know where he is , he sings anything under the world with ease, he looks at his parents mostly than the judges :) , the way his hands and finger go along with the tune is awesome.. He is Sreekanth.. I have no words for him.. Just watch him.. He is a Prodigy!

Can be found : In youtube type : Vijay Tv Super Singer Junior and his name tags along!


  1. hey me too watch RDLJ....;) its a good time pass though its DUMB!!! :)but costumes and all are too good...even i dont no hw gals are so forward or hw their parents allow them...

  2. hmm Pree.. as discussed v r FOOLS! he he..

  3. hey.. i too follow Elle n Blaire de :) i just love their videos!!

  4. Sreekanth name spells greatness

  5. hey hey Arch.. being partial to the name eh.. tats ok.. u have every right!
