Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Royal wedding...

The much talked about in the news now a days is the royal wedding of Price William and Kate Middleton. There are mixed reviews about the same - some tourists fly to London and are ready to stand in front of Wesminister abbey for hours to watch the D day of the nation. Where some care a dam for the whole thing and carry on with life!
But I am more interested to read about the preparations, the rehersals and the whole fantasy and royalty involved.
1. The Royal wedding cake is made by an Indian company in London
2. Two normal Indians are invited to witness the "I do" function from Kate's side.
3. Waiting to see Kate's gown and compare it with Lady Di's 25 feet train length gown which the whole world talked about.
4. Celebs getting furious of not being invited.
5. The rehersals happening from a week before.
6. The sweets being prepared according to Price William's liking.
7. Four days of holiday all over the country just to celebrate the union of the Royal blood with a commoner.
8. Comparison b/t Kate and Lady Diana Spencer.
9. The "so called" friendly relation of Kate and Camilla Parker.

what not... I am loving all this... But is 20 million pounds really necessary for some few hours ... need to think!!


  1. Way too over-rated actually...TV channels here couldnt stop making shows about the wedding even after Osama was shot dead...unbelievable huh!!!

  2. ha ha.. i dint know about that..:) funny!

  3. 20 mill....hmmm they hv it they flaunt it...but she did look v nice...lucky gal to get a fairy tale weding!!
