Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Keeping Up.............

If its time for me write the next post on our next trip.. but shame on me I have not completed yet !! so this time I thought let me pour something from my heart which I am recently thinking a lot about... Keeping Up... (not with the Kardashians .. he he)..But with my friends..

I was thinking about "where r my friends" ... practically not possible to meet them all when ever I want, so I have decided to put in the extra effort of trying to maintain my relationship. I always like to know whats happening to them, share whats happening with me .

To quote from one of my friends e-mail:
"We have some friends(with whom we were really close) who have moved far away...but whenever we talk to them, we feel the same closeness.. and we totally forget that we are talking after long." This I truely accept!

We try to build a strong relation from our school days,college times, from work.. even without putting the effort and it happens...but when we start living our life .. r v really trying to maintain?? Not sure..

I try to scoop all my memories and they are really wonderful.. But r v still close to everyone.. need to ponder ..

But atleast am in the process of going the extra mile.. lets c how long it goes :) !


  1. Yeah Nithi... these days , it takes some effort to maintain and to keep track of our friends and whats happeneing with them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice post :)

  4. Thanks Deepak. Urs is Nice and Informative :)

  5. True Nithi. Wish those glorious days could come back. With all of us staying in all quarters of the world, it is indeed taking a lot of effort

  6. yes di.. I even keep thinking wen we wud all be nearer. not in the next 5 years i think :(.

  7. nice one :) but not to bog you down !!
    its just not ur lending hand/extra mile but it also depends on how its reciprocated from the other side in this so called 'WORLD OF Reality' and this is the thin line of difference for those who argue to be emotional rather than being practical in this topic

  8. actualy u know wat.. i was thinking of the same thing.. yest.. we need reciprocation too..
